Professional Development Workshop – Coping Kids
Coping Kids weather the storms of life without becoming overwhelmed.
Learn to help parents and carers raise Coping Kids
Raising children can be demanding and challenging. You can help parents and carers create a home environment where
- both pleasant and unpleasant emotions
- children know how to cope with unpleasant emotions
- parents know how to prevent overwhelming distress
- parents know how to provide support
- parents know when and how to help their child solve problems
What teams can do the training?
Care · Collaborate · Connect Coping Kids training is for health professional teams who provide psychotherapy to parents.
Pre-requisite: Care Collaborate Connect: Suicide Prevention training
Each team member will receive a Completion Certificate when training is completed.
Book your team training today!
Care endorsement
Care endorsement let’s the community know you prioritise wellbeing and care to help them locate quality services.