Care Endorsement

Care Endorsement

Care Collaborate Connect Care endorsement helps consumers find healthcare providers and organisations who Care and support wellbeing

What is the Care endorsement?

Care-endorsed providers and organisations display the Care logo.

The Care endorsement is a recognition of healthcare providers, workplaces, clubs and organisations who prioritise wellbeing and care.

We help consumers know what to look for when choosing quality healthcare, workplaces, clubs, and businesses.

 Why does this program exist?

Too often, people are harmed when they ask for healthcare, when they go to work, or as they go about their day-to-day activities. Some people even die by suicide after they ask for help.

The Care endorsement helps people choose services who have the knowledge and skills to care and do no harm.

How are healthcare providers endorsed?

Care-endorsed healthcare providers commit to providing consumer-centred healthcare.

Healthcare providers

How are workplaces and organisations endorsed?

Workplaces with Care endorsement have made Care Collaborate Connect: Workplace Psychological First Aid training available to all staff.

They are have

  •  policies and practices that support health and wellbeing
  • at least 75% of staff trained annually in Care Collaborate Connect: Workplace Psychological First Aid.

How are sporting clubs endorsed?

Sporting clubs recognise their obligation to support the health and wellbeing of members and players.

Endorsed sporting clubs

What are the benefits for healthcare consumers?

TRUST – Your needs are at the heart of healthcare.

SUPPORT – Skilled professionals know how to support you when you are upset without harming you.

QUALITY – Your healthcare providers knows how to provide holistic healthcare.

CONNECTION – Be connected with additional quality services as needed.

SAVINGS – Save time and effort trying to find someone who cares.

What are the benefits for staff, customers, and the community?

TRUST – This organisation prioritises staff and consumer wellbeing.

SUPPORT – Staff have the skills to work with consumers with courtesy and respect.

COMMUNITY – The more we care, collaborate and connect with one another, the stronger our community becomes.



Talk to us about becoming care endorsed today!